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New fragrances for Mother's Day

New fragrances for Mother's Day

OMG it's that time of year where we have to find something for our moms! 

No to flowers, no to chocolate YES to Dragons Blood! What a wonderful exotic fragrance. We have flipped out about it here at Lu Lu's Suds!

We have Dragons Blood, Plumeria and Almond, Ginger, Coconut just for something new and wonderful for your Momma.  The three scents come in soap, lotion, body butter and shower polish.  They will be available in two weeks. If they are ready sooner I will post.

Great gift for $24.

Enough about that don't you want to hear about goats?  The ladies are getting very big, plus they are shedding! I know I'm a short girl 5' but leaning over brushing wiggling goat girls is a challenge. 

Charlie surprisingly has been very good about it. I just hold up a mirror and he is star struck by the handsome buck in the mirror and I can brush away! Lol. Hopefully they will be all short haired and gorgeous in another couple of weeks.

Well chow for now this goat Nana is exhausted.



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