Debut of my Blog, Hope I get better or no one will ever read it!

I am now an introverted person and i am going to come out of my comfort zone by blogging and sharing my animals and soap, lotion, body butter adventures with whoever will read it!
I have lots of misadventures too that make life funny, maybe not when they happen to me but later.
Currently I have 10 does and 1 buck Frank. Before Frank came to hang with the girls, we had Andy. Andy broke the gate and was amorous with the girls. Usually I like Andy to only have two girlfriends at a time every two weeks so i don't have 9 Does all having kids the same 3-4 days.
Additionally, having kids in May and June is nice and warm. December and January is AWFUL and COLD and well you get the picture. Hard on me! Plus needed some new genetics. Well Andy destroyed my dreams this year for new kids to keep by nailing the girls. Andy went to a new home that same afternoon in August. Frank joined the girls in September, little to late.
Everything is current because the only constant in the world is change. We have three dogs. A 15 year old Schipperke, an 11 year old Boxer who's brother just passed away, and a Schipperke/Labrador mix. Luckily living on the farm we have all floors so i can run my Crosswave Bissel over their never ending muddy footprints.
Cats. As of today, there is Squirt 12 yrs old, Romeo an abandoned feral cat by my grandson's mom when she darted her pregnant self (from someone else) and my grandson out of here back to Cali. Ashley the woman that endures me and works for me is a real trooper she took two kittens for her daughters which left me three kittens.
Tomorrow the story of chickens. The start of the farm dynasty.
Milk a goat!
Sis Austin-hutchins —
Hi Judy finally getting some of my Jasmine 🤗 can’t wait to try it on my poor old skin!
Love being friends with sweetie!