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Knit soap bags and watch TV

Knit soap bags and watch TV

I turned 63 on Monday and I am pretty sure I have ADHD.  After taking care of the goats in the morning and evening plus running the business and manufacturing the products, I have antsy pants so, I knit while watching TV for an hour or two in the evening.

You may say, "Awe she nuts! Crazy! Weird!" but it actually relaxes me! Seriously as a breech goat kid on Easter. 

I love all the vibrant colors, soft cotton and satisfaction of completing something.  Somedays in the office, I just yell at the computer and chase my mind around trying to get things finished but knitting there is a start loop and an end loop. There is a beautiful useful thing.

The new website is up and I hope you like it.  I had help from a hippie chick and she did a great job and didn't quit.  

Thanks for supporting my ADHD and small business.  Took me 60 years to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up so keep trying everyone!

Much love,



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